Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Camping, Fishing, at Chepeta

 Our grandsons, Logan and Ethan came for a visit.  Grandpa and I decided to take them camping and fishing in the High Uintas.  The weather was a bit breezy, but we did catch some fish in the Chepeta area.
 Here I am at lake Elbow with a lucky one that did not get away.
 Ethan on Rusty.
 Logan with his catch at lake Moccasin.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Tuacahn 2012

 This brings back memories of doing hair in the 60's.  It was time consuming and painful.  I'm so glad things are easier and faster these days.  The girls begged to have me do this to their hair.  Make mine poofy grandma they would say. 

 On the second night we attended the musical Hairspray.  Here are the girls all dressed up for this show.  People would walk by and say oh how adorable, and I'd say, they are all mine.  So blessed.
 Of course eating is a highlight.  Here we are at the Pizza Factory...YUM!
 On the second day we relax in the pool, basking in the hot St. George Sun.  Grandma Zola, Jan, Katrina, Texie, Kayla, Mandy, Heidi, Whitney and kids join us too.  Quite a bunch. 

This year our Tuacahn adventure was a little bigger than last.  We were privileged to have Stacie and Rylee from Florida along with Erin, Ainsley and Capri from Sunset, join Angel and Emily from Las Vegas and Stacy, Anna, Megan, Ellie and I from Roosevelt.  The girls all dressed up for the first show Aladdin.  After the show they pose for a picture with Aladdin, Jasmine and Genie. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Greatest Blessings

Ok, ok...I know I haven't published anything on the blog for a long time and then here I go three in a row.  Well actually, I'm figuring out how to upload photos a little better and I'm not so frustrated with the whole thing.  They keep changing things on this old lady and it keeps me hoppin to stay up. 
Today I got my newest grand daughter, Ellie's photo in the mail and put it in the frame to add her to my greatest blessings wall.  So I took a photo shot of how it looks now with 4 X 4, 16 grandkids in all.  I'm one proud grandma and so blessed. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Summertime Woes

With nice warm weather comes more hard work on our little farm.  The wheel seal needed replacing so Mark dug into the project.  Several trips to town for parts and special tools and a lot of hard frustrating work, I'm happy to say the tractor is back in business.  It was a hard tricky job.  But finally we dug out the handy dandy step that Adam had built to give us a little more leverage or height and yeah it all went back together.  So now we will start cutting hay. 

Wind Repair

 With all the bad wind we have been experiencing it caused some of our metal on the eve to come off.  So we proceeded to put it back on before birds get in and other bad things happen.  Well having a two story home comes with its challenges, such as having a tall enough ladder.  Mark had set his screws on the window ledge for handy reaching and then we decided we had to do something different.  Anna and Megan are in the bedroom tossing down the screws to Mark.  They were good help running to get things and handing items to Mark and even taking the photos for me when I had to hold the ladder.
  We started with the ladder on the patio step, but that would not work.  So we got innovative and used the truck along with the step box that Adam had built for Grandma Zola to use getting into our Yukon.  Even at that it was a precarious ordeal getting the job done.  I'm just thankful we are all safe.