Monday, June 7, 2010





Here ary my sad looking cucumbers, but I think they will make it.
Also here is my flower bed as it looks today. You may notice how all the plants are leaning. That is because the wind is blowing, just like it does every afternoon.
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JWD said...

Nice photos of the Garden and your flowers. I'm impressed at how big everything is, especially your potatoes. Thanks for sharing!

Katrina and James said...

Everything is huge in your garden compared to ours! I'm going to hope that's because we are still getting days in the high 30's and not because of something we've done. I accidentally left the sprinklers on and now I have a bit of a mushroom problem in one of my flower beds. I'm keeping it too wet! oops.

Stacy Clayburn said...

As always your yard looks so nice. We really enjoy spending time there with you guys, you sure keep it nice... maybe in 30 years I'll have it rubbed off enough on me to keep mine green and lush.