Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July flooding






Today we had a storm roll through coming from the south. A little different that our ususal here and it was a strong one. I thought we might get some flooding form the rain that collects off the hills to our west. Floods usually come a couple of hours after the storm. Well 3 hours later, we were on the patio grilling and Mark looked up and said look. Going across the pasture in front of our house was this big river of muddy water. It got bigger and bigger and well here take a look for yourself. Amazing. Wayne jumped on the backhoe to try to advert it from damages at his place. The neighbors came with their big hoe and cut a channel through their yard.
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1 comment:

Angel said...

Oh my goodness! we just missed it...Sorry we weren't there to be of some help! Glad for good neighbors to pitch in! We love you guys and hope that it doesn't take to long to clean it up!